5301 E. Sunrise Drive | Tucson, AZ 85718
Phone: 520-209-7900 | Fax: 520-209-7970
K-AM: 8:00am - 11:00am
K-PM: 12:00pm - 3:00pm
School Hours: 8:00am - 3:00pm
Office Hours: 7:30am - 3:30pm
Andrea Davidson
Welcome to Sunrise Drive and CFSD’s Mandarin Chinese Language Immersion Program! This innovative K-5 dual immersion program provides students a unique opportunity to acquire Mandarin Chinese as a second language as they use it to learn academic content.
Examine the information at this link to learn more about the Chinese immersion program.
Sunrise Drive is a 2023 Blue Ribbon School
The U.S. Department of Education named Sunrise Drive Elementary a 2023 National Blue Ribbon School, defined as one of the state's highest-performing schools as measured by state assessments. Principal Andrea Davidson says the school’s driving force is a belief in the power of quality teaching and learning, as well as the school’s sense of belonging. Inclusive, shared experiences create deep and lasting bonds.
“The words, ‘it’s good to be at Sunrise,’ are said and heard often,” Davidson explains. “Our attention is on students, no matter what program they are in, what their abilities are, or where they live." View full story here.
Students share the many reasons why it's good to be at Sunrise Drive Elementary school.